Just the Numbers?

“Silicon Valley star Diane Greene was ousted as chief executive of VMware Inc. by its corporate parent, EMC Corp., which said the fast-expanding software company she co-founded had grown beyond her ability to manage it...

“Ms. Greene's removal ends an uneasy relationship in which she sought to guard VMware's independence while its stock price had fallen amid new competition...

“Joseph Tucci, chief executive of EMC and chairman of VMware, said in an interview that the VMware board concluded Ms. Greene lacked the experience to continue running a company that expects to have revenue nearing $2 billion this year. He said the board invited her to stay in a different ‘very active role,’ but she declined.

“Ms. Greene, reached at her home, said she wasn't allowed to talk about the situation.

“In past interviews, Ms. Greene has said she wanted more independence from EMC, a maker of large computer storage systems, to make her own decisions...

“EMC acquired VMware in 2003 for $635 million and retained 86% of its stock following an eye-popping initial public offering last summer…

“Mr. Tucci said that Ms. Greene had run VMware successfully and ‘built a great company,’ but ‘the board felt it was appropriate to bring in leadership with the experience to double or triple’ the company's sales. He said talks with Ms. Greene about a succession plan failed to reach agreement…

“Following the sale, Ms. Greene became an executive vice president of EMC, but remained on the West Coast. She sometimes visited a VMware development lab in Cambridge, Mass., without making the trip 30 miles west to EMC headquarters...

“Ms. Greene was a popular leader within her company, especially among women. EMC has often been criticized for having few women executives.”

(“VMware Ousts Star CEO as Growth Slows; Diane Greene's Removal, Forecast Hit Shares of Highflier and Parent EMC.” William M. Bulkeley. Wall Street Journal: July 9, 2008. pg. B.1)

IMPRESSIONS, IMAGE AND INTRIGUE shape most of our corporate work, and our personal worlds as well.

It looks like a rough and tumble game governed by the kid who owns the ball, or a beauty pageant where Miss Congeniality never seems to win.

Watch your numbers; watch your aura, and watch out for what's in the air...

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